From design to retail

Tired of dimensionless product configurators?

Want an engaging experience that compliments and enhances your retail experience?

With the advent of affordable touch screens, digital experiences are now becoming a reality in the retail space.

Not only are new technologies like Windows 7 and Microsoft's Surface coming online, a host of new devices and hardware is beginning to flood the market.

All this convergence promises to take digital experiences well beyond the desktop.

Building a better shoe

To highlight the potential of integrated retail, thirteen23 developed a rich, touch screen kiosk based on Nike's "NikeID" experience.

The goal was to create an engaging product configurator completely accessible by touch.

As a proof of concept, the team created a dynamic shoe configurator allowing customers to visualize colors and materials in real-time on a live, 3D model of their shoe.

Customers can interact directly with their designs, previewing changes at any angle by manipulating the on-screen rendering.

Custom deployment

The solution may also be customized to support different product types.

Paired with bar codes or RFID, this solution may even be deployed as a pricing kiosk or comparison shopping tool.